When meeting with clients we find that most businesses have existing, workable safety systems. These systems usually developed over a number of years generally evolve through a process of trial and error to fit nicely within the operating framework of the business.

Notwithstanding the above, the single biggest issue we encounter when reviewing customer systems is their inability to extract information generally hidden away in files, computers and manuals and ultimately deliver a consistent and continuous safety message to large numbers of employees and contractors across multiple locations and often with minimal access to OSH professionals or supervision.

At SIP we believe strongly that good safety is driven through a culture of ongoing awareness and training. Our philosophy is to maintain employee and contractor awareness of safety with whatever means are available to us. We unashamedly foster a no holds barred approach to our safety awareness programs to ensure that employees and contractors are regularly confronted with new, exciting, relevant and sometimes shocking campaign material.

Our qualified consultants work closely with client Safety Management teams to obtain an understanding of the safety message your business is trying to deliver. Once clear we will quickly design a safety, environment or general workplace education campaign that will not only provide maximum awareness impact but will also align closely with the philosophy’s, messages and requirements of your industry peers and customers.

We provide awareness tools in the form of;

  • Web Site Interaction
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Poster Campaigns
  • Training and Workshops
  • Marketing Materials
  • Corporate Safety Branding
  • Safety Alert Campaigns
  • Third Party Auditing
  • Direct Mail Campaigns
  • Safety Ambassadorship (Celebrity Guest Speakers)
  • School Educational Campaign Packages
  • Mobile Safety Awareness Roadshows

Our goal is always ZERO HARM and we take pride in our ability to measurably reduce injuries in any workplace.